• 최종편집 2024-05-03(금)
2014-05-14 08;58;28.jpg

iPhone 6 Concept
MORE:6 Awesome iPhone 6 Concepts
This means the edges of future iPhones could be touchscreen displays, giving easier access to key functions.Based on drawings accompanying the filing, the edge buttons could be used to trigger camera settings, music playback and volume, or even specific apps such as Messages and Calendar. These buttons can be designed with haptic or audio components to give feedback when they're activated.
The patent also details how tapping, sliding or swiping the edge of the handset could change the operating mode or trigger other functions. As reported by Apple Insider, this sidewall display or a flexible OLED screen is not expected to show up in the iPhone 6, but the patent does point to future iPhones carrying this technology.
In the meantime, we can't wait until the anticipated August or September release of the next iPhone to see for ourselves what the new device will look like.
via Apple Insider
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iPhone 6 Concept images
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