• 최종편집 2024-05-03(금)

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실시간 국제 기사

  • Spatech, ‘Nano Treatment System N Care’ Working for Skin/Scalp Management
    Treatment System N Care appeals to various kinds of skin care shop, beauty shop, oriental medical clinic, and plastic surgery as well as scalp and hair clinics, scalp care instructor academy, scalp and hair product company, and hotel spa. N Care, developed by Spatech(CEO Lee, Joung-Dong, www.spatech.co.kr), is skin and scalp treatment system using Nano Technology; it granulates bioactive substance and active component into the product in smaller size than pore by using Nano-gun spray so as to permeate them deep into scarfskin when sprayed upon skin tissue. There has been an issue pointed out that some beauty treatment devices don’t spray fine particle of medicine making it stay on the horny layer of skin surface. N Care is applied with the principle of Electroporation (gene transfer method using electric pulse to make fine hole on the cell membrane) based on the Nano Technology and Iontophoresis which can increase ionic medicine’s permeation into skin. In this way, N Care can make any ingredient permeate into cell through epidermis increasing the effect of active component, and is effective in improving dry, aging and other problematic skins. This skin permeation increasing method acquired a patent in last 2009. In addition, N Care administers low level laser to increase blood flow and antibody, and increases the activation of immunocyte and effect of anticancer activity. Besides, N Care has diagnosis functions on the state of scalp and hair which is suitable for those who are concerned about hair damage or loss. N Care informs us about the shape of pore and hair bulb fallen out, color and smell of scalp, infection, sebum secretion rate, and demodex folliculorum state, and enables us to make correct diagnosis on the hair thickness and damage state, scalp disease and physical disease, genetic predisposition, and hair loss type and degree. CEO, Lee, Jeong-Dong said that “N Care was developed by applying the knowhow and technologies that Spatech has built so far” and added that “it is very effective in skin reconstruction and anti-aging as it can granulate bioactive substance and active component into Nano-size.” (Inquiries: 82-33-748-9064, spatech@paran.com) News Source: Spatech
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  • SBS 박선영앵커, 가디언지에 사진 실려 '깜놀'
    SBS 박선영앵커가 영국 가디언지를 대대적으로 장식하며 화제의 인물로 떠올랐다.   박선영 앵커는 지난 7월 25일 오전(영국시각) '런던 2012 특집 8시 뉴스' 진행을 위해 런던의 대표적인 상징물인 타워브리지 앞에서 섰다. 특히, 이 모습이 26일 발간된 영국의 유력 일간지인 가디언지(the guardian)에 무려 두면에 걸쳐 실리면서 화제가 되고 있는 것.   런던올림픽 특집으로 마련된 이 신문 속에서 분홍빛 드레스를 입은 박앵커는 오륜기로 장식된 타워브리지를 뒤로하고서 환한 웃음을 짓고 있었고, 이를 촬영하는 'SBS 8뉴스'라고 새겨진 카메라의 모습도 선명하게 보여지면서 영국에서도 '올림픽채널 SBS'를 과시한 것이다. 자신의 모습이 담긴 신문을 본 박선영앵커는 "내 모습이 영국신문에 이렇게 크게 실린 걸 보고는 깜짝 놀랐다"며 "나에 대한 관심이라기 보다 영국인들의 한국과 한국인을 향한 관심이라 생각하니 더욱 기분이 좋다. 부디 우리 한국 선수들도 많은 분들의 관심속에서 좋은 성적을 냈으면 하는 바람"이라고 겸손해 했다.
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